The Portrait of Dreams

Marie Spaemann

Sometimes you feel you have to leave the "usual path", called by something new. This happens all the time and you cannot do anything to plan for it. And it is OK.

1. Bio

Cellist and songwriter; as a classical musician, she is actively involved in many orchestras, festivals and international venues. As a contemporary cellist and composer, she performs mainly on European stages. She has to her credit the release of three albums The Moony Sessions – 2015, Gap – 2019, Metamorphosis – 2020. In addition to this, she is also involved in coaching, helping talents in the creative and musical worlds, in which she pays great attention to the holistic approach to learning, work and life.

2. The power of a dream

As a child I really wanted to be an actress and, in fact, I got to act in a few episodes of a TV series when I was 9 years old. It was a lot of fun, but as I grew up, what I thought was my dream faded away to make way, inexorably, for music. The power of the true dream is this, it knows how to make itself recognisable amidst a thousand surrogates. All it asks from you in return is a little courage, the thing needed, at times, to leave a road that seems to have been mapped out, to go, discover and learn something else. That enriches you and makes you resume your path, stronger and more aware than before.

3. My journey into real beauty

I am lucky, because I can say that I have experienced more than one unexpected encounter with beauty. Already the fact that it takes you by surprise is a wonderful thing, especially for me, who is intrigued, by nature, by the unusual. Like when you happen to re-evaluate people whom, all too quickly, you had judged and put into boxes in the past. Perhaps without all the information at hand, sometimes even with a negative approach. But then, how beautiful is it when you find yourself amazed, and have to reconsider? When fate makes you realise that, on the contrary, they have open souls, kind ways, interests and knowledge. This is true beauty: the unexpected discovery of others, the ability to admit “I did not understand”. And to understand in a new way.

4. What I learned and won’t let go

Giving up your aspirations is never a good choice. Yes, in certain situations it can still be a challenge to assert yourself as a woman, to say what you want or do things your way, without consequences. But that is no reason to give up. My hope for every woman is a society where, finally, if a woman gets to the top people say that it is because she is brilliant, competent, determined. Not because there were a certain minimum number of women to be promoted or due to even worse insinuations. I hope for a tomorrow where every woman feels she can be herself and support, wholeheartedly, all the great women around her.

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