The Portrait of Dreams

Isabella Rojas

Climbing is like a kind of puzzle that you have to solve with your mind and body. And the most extraordinary part is that each person gets to the top with a different style.

1. Bio

Climber, social media content creator, model and co-founder of MAS, a multimedia platform dedicated to documenting the lifestyle, politics, culture and travels of climbers from different parts of the world. She has long experience as a climbing instructor and a special gift for teaching children and teenagers. The courses she has attended have included the one she passed to obtain the Birth Doula Certification, at Birth Arts International.

2. The power of a dream

I didn’t really have a specific dream as a child, I just knew that I wanted to learn and experience as much as I possibly could. I knew I wanted to travel, live in New York City and keep climbing for the rest of my life. So, so far so good. I have had to put in effort, hard work, and energy, but each of those dreams has come true. Feeling strong and in control of your body helps a lot with self-esteem. Since I was a child I have always believed in the huge potential of young people and knowing that through my work as an instructor and with the content I offer, I help them feel empowered, listened to, capable and safe, fills me with pride.

3. My journey into real beauty

So many of my moments of contact with beauty come through the perceptions of my body. From the time when, as a young Hispanic girl, I discovered that my little body could climb the same routes as grown men much stronger than me; to when, after finishing the course I took to become a doula, I witnessed my first birth: it was messy and intense, but I have never seen anything more beautiful and sacred. When a woman who is giving birth feels supported and safe, witnessing her strength is wonderful. It’s like when you climb and feel comfortable in your body, you forget your size, become pure concentration and go straight to the top. Pure beauty.

4. What I learned and won’t let go

In climbing, each route is like a puzzle that you have to solve with your mind and body. And the most extraordinary part is that each person solves it differently, according to their own strengths and weaknesses, with their own unique style. This is why I hate how the patriarchal part of our society sees us and wants us to feel. And this is still too often the case. I no longer want to see myself as a potential target of violence. For us women, I simply dream of being able to feel free and safe, in our everyday lives and in our aspirations.

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