The Portrait of Dreams

Leore Hayon

There is an enchanting beauty in the grace of femininity, in the peace of a slower pace and in the powerful constancy of those who watch over and care for others.

1. Bio

Content creator for the beauty and hair care industry and creator of a hair care product line. Based in Miami, she likes to highlight her Israeli, Moroccan, Italian and Swedish origins. Formerly a model, skater and actress, today her mission is to help girls and women embrace the natural structure of hair and learn about hair care, going beyond the images in the glossy magazines and the misleading representations of curly hair that sometimes occur.

2. The power of a dream

The power of a dream is extraordinary, the difficult part is understanding whether it’s a dream that belongs to us or whether we are just chasing the expectations of society. I have a background in fashion and – today – the difference between the two is crystal clear to me. I spend a lot of time talking about hair, which may seem shallow but, think about it, hair is a metaphor for life. It is my beautiful Trojan horse for getting the message across that if glossy magazines don’t represent you, it is the magazine that’s got it wrong, not you. It doesn’t matter if we have to start from hair, the ultimate message, which will sooner or later be extended to every area is that we ‘are already enough’ just the way we are.



3. My journey into real beauty

It is a journey made up of many turning points, peppered with a few revolutions. Skater, model, PR rep, actress, then model again, always constantly searching, ready to learn more and better. I have always thrown myself heart and soul into everything I have done, but maybe I was jumping from the wrong springboard. Something, however, was triggered in me after a work experience in Malaysia that definitely left its mark on me and led me to change the direction of my life. That was the moment when I first experienced the beauty of taking control of my own destiny, by deciding that I would make my own way, without having to keep proving that I ‘was enough’ in the eyes of others. My path may not always be downhill, but it is a magnificent one.

4. What I learned and won’t let go

Being a woman is special: our heart, our intuition, our natural aptitude for caring and our sensitivity. Unfortunately, still too often, our society tends to value the more masculine energies of constantly wanting more and wanting to prove. There is an enchanting beauty in the grace of femininity, in the peace of a slower pace and in the powerful constancy of those who watch over and care for others. I hope that our world learns to give space to female energies and, for women, my hope is that we’ll achieve the awareness we need in order to love, appreciate and value ourselves at every stage of our lives, exactly for who we are.

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