The Portrait of Dreams

Adriana and Luciana Toledo

It is not a whim to set trends: it is to free the soul from stereotypes, to liberate potential, to claim the right to exist with every inch of our bodies.

1. Bio

Adriana and Luciana Toledo, sisters, of Italian-Brazilian origin. Full lives, long careers already under their belts, as they are about to turn 50 they open a whole new course to their lives. Today they are two of the most acclaimed stylists and storytellers in Milan (and beyond). Their project is a colourful and fluid NO to standardisation, and they bring this to the fashion catwalks and to events linked to the worlds of art, design, music, cinema and dance, often interweaving it with projects for social recovery and inclusion.

2. The power of a dream

Our project began just before we turned fifty. Is it madness? But who decides when is the right time for us to test ourselves? We believe that diversity is a value and that inclusion encapsulates all the magnificence of life. Fashion becomes a way to communicate and give food for thought. A style project that says no to standardisation and yes to valuing the uniqueness of each individual. Reinventing life, precisely when you feel the need, is liberating for you and a powerful message to our sons and daughters: for dreams, there are no ages, there is only passion and the desire to find balance in a wonderful complexity of messages.

3. My journey into real beauty

Do you know how beautiful it is to see a woman who learns to say ‘I can be who I am’, without feeling guilty? There is a beauty that cannot be replicated in a woman who discovers how unique and special she is. And it’s a powerful driving force, which is enriched by diversity. It knocks down barriers, makes souls fly, causes generations to dialogue. It might be sparked by something that may seem superficial, like the choice of what to wear, but that has repercussions in every aspect of a life. It is a state of consciousness that begins with an intensive effort in terms of self-awareness. Otherwise fashion dominates you, but that is a perspective we don’t have.

4. What I learned and won’t let go

Awareness is what makes us strong, and we all need someone to gently accompany us on our path to achieve this goal. Our clothes, our colours, our choices are this: a gentle way of re-learning to see ourselves and take back the right to be seen, to exist exactly as we are. Our dream is that every woman can live free from social conventions, as the mistress of her own role: we are committed to a future where women support and accept each other just the way they are, knowing that every moment is the right time to reinvent themselves.

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